Our History - First Baptist Church Waterloo - Come Grow With Us!

Our History


Church Founded

First Baptist Church Waterloo begins as a pioneer home mission’s project by Benton Street Baptist Church in Kitchener.


First Building Purchased

The Mission has outgrown its facilities, and a decision has been made to purchase property at the corner of John and Caroline Streets in Waterloo.


Building Purchase Completed

The new building purchase is complete. This site remains the home of First Baptist Church for almost fifty years.


Radio Ministry Begins

The church begins a radio ministry, live streaming its Sunday morning service over radio station CKCR.


First Missionary Sent

The church commissions and sends one of its own young ladies to the foreign mission field, under the Sudan Interior Mission, to serve the Lord in Nigeria. This is the beginning of what becomes a key ministry of the church.


Faith Baptist Church Planted

In May, Faith Baptist Church (now Fellowship Bible Church) in New Hamburg holds its first evening service.


Community Fellowship Baptist Planted

In September, Community Fellowship Baptist Church (now Creekside Church) in Kitchener holds its first Morning Worship Service.


Grandview Baptist Church Planted

In October, Grandview Baptist Church in Kitchener holds its first sunday school and morning worship service.


First Sunday in Current Building

In March, First Baptist holds its first Sunday morning worship service in its current building on Erb Street in Waterloo.


Woodland Terrace Opens

In December, the first residents move into the Woodland Terrace seniors residence, which is an integral part of the ministry of First Baptist.


First Baptist Church Continues to Grow

God continues to bless the ministries of First Baptist Church, and allows us to be part of His work in the local church and in the local community. We continue to see unbelievers come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and grow together as a local body of believers through the faithful study of His Word.