Adults - First Baptist Church Waterloo - Come Grow With Us!




The different stages of adult life involve experiences and challenges such as marriage, the raising of children, changing vocations, unemployment, adjusting to the loss of a spouse, an empty nest, and more. Our adult ministries seek to encourage and prepare each life with Jesus Christ, recognizing the skills and resources each person possesses as a gift from and to God.


menu_book Sunday School Electives

Every quarter we offer Adult Sunday School elective classes during our Sunday School hour for anyone who has graduated highschool. A variety of topics/books are taught by the men and Pastor's of our church, with the goal to help all who attend deepen their relationship and understanding of Jesus.

groups Men's Ministries

We believe that as a church we need to be people of the Bible. This is why we offer small groups and Bible studies for our men. We desire that all the men who attend will grow in their understanding of Scripture and be edified by the fellowship the encounter.

groups Ladies Ministries

Just as we have a ministry specific for me we also offer small groups and Bible studies for our women. We desire that all the ladies who attend will grow in their understanding of Scripture and be edified by the fellowship the encounter.


Ian Pollock & Jeff Oakes


Sunday School
9:30am to 10:30am